Final Fantasy 14 Easy Mounts to Get
To make your life in the lands of Eorzea much easier, we have listed some of the easiest mounts to get. These mounts are tested to deliver desired results at any level, so make use of them wisely since some of them are limited-time editions.
The Conjurer Unicorn Mount
The most majestic mounts in Final Fantasy, the Unicorn mount can be a part of your mount collection. Just level up a conjurer class to level 30 and get it as a reward without spending any Gil. To unlock the true conjurer unicorn mount, complete the side quest unicorn power, and you can get it for free.

The Cloud Mallow Mount
Tired of the constant fighting? Activate the Cloud Mollow mount and fly your way to the next level. Although it will have no use on the battlefield, use this mount to catch some breath and buy yourself more time. However, this mount doesn't come without a cost. You can buy it for 200,000 Gil from Mogmul Mogbelly after getting Sworn in the 7th rank.

Chocobo/The Black Chocobo Mount
You can unlock the Black Chocobo mount to gain recognition in the Heavensward Main Scenario Quests' Intervention'. The Black Chocobo, just like the midgardsormr mount, is awarded to the brave warriors who are strong enough to excel in the rank. This mount is a pure-bred Ishgardian who performs wonders in front of opponents and can take you above the sky for a safe departure.

The Midgardsormr Mount
Prove your chivalry to Eorzoa and get awarded the Midgardsormr mount, also known as the dragon mount. Midgardsormr is the eldest dragon in the flight with the most demands. If you've completed the Main Scenario Quest' Fetters of Lament' in rank 14 with heroism, you can get this cool mount. Unlock this mount and unleash its magical features.

The Air Force Mount
You can get this mount after excelling in Stigmascape V.4 on savage mode. The air force mount appears as an air jet and makes you in charge of it. This mount promises speed and control like nothing else.

The Magitek Armor Mount
The Magitek Armor mount is a great deal for a player and a warrior. If you want a mount that can defend you on the ground while flying with whichever mount you switch for, then Magitek Armor is the right pick for you, just that picking is not the option available to you. Show you chivalry in 'A Realm Reborn' reborn quest and get a hold of it.

The Jonathas Achievement Mount
Jonathas is a non-player character that many of the current FFXIV players are unaware of. But you can find him in Old Gridania. Jonathas enables the player to exchange their in-game achievements for rewards such as Behemoth, Ahriman, or Magitek Deathclaw mounts. Although you can get these mounts individually by the end of the Main Scenario Quest, if you're in a hurry for more mounts, you know where to find them.

The Bomb Palanquin Mount
If dragons and ishgardians are not your style and you want something ancient gothic, go for this floating throne. It's not just a cool ride, but super fast as well. Just complete the Highway Robbery Quest with a good repo and purchase the Bomb Palanquin for 120,000 Gil.

The Rose Lanner Mount
The rose lanner mount is also known as the Ravana extreme mount. This ferocious red bird is a must-have in every warrior's mount collection. Imagine having a bird that can cut through the flesh of your nemesis and fly with style. To get the rose lanner mount, exchange 50 irregular tombstones of philosophy with Moogles during the Moogle Treasure Trove event or give 99 Hive totems in Idyllshire.

The Cavalry Drake Mount
Back to basics with the dragons. But this dragon is not basic; the Cavalry Drake mount exhales flames and can use its mighty wings and strong limbs. A fire-breathing dragon that can walk and fly is not an exaggeration; it can benefit you a lot. Think of it as an investment when you pay 120,000 Gil for it after reaching the trusted position with Amalj'aa.

The Groovy Dhalmel Mount
Add this new mount to your mount library for the sake of aesthetics. The Groovy Dhalmel is not an enchanting nor flying mount. But if you have an eye for aesthetics, you surely won't regret buying this. But if you don't want to spend any Gils on this creature, pass the Kupo of Fortune Quest with honor.
The Bismarck Extreme Mount
The Bismarck extreme mount is also a mighty bird, just like the previous one, named the White Lanner. The birth wears white roiling clouds and is a sight to enjoy, but not for your opponents. As pretty as it seems, the white lanner can rip off the head of any warrior and is an asset in your mount library. You can purchase it for the same amount and procedure as the rose lanner.

The Round Lanner Mount
The Round Lanner mount can be obtained as a reward for the victory of the Minstrel's ballad, Thordan's Reign. This mount can also be purchased, but it is efficient to farm it. The round lanner is a masterpiece of dignity. It can sight prey from a long distance on land; therefore, it can be a great weapon if you use it for your benefit.

The Firebird Mount
Out of all the mounts mentioned before, the firebird mount speaks nothing but royalty from its looks. The golden glooming bird with glowing wings and feathers is a bird of the heavens. This is one of my favorite mounts. Its visually awing features are enough to leave your opponent jaw-dropped still. To get this mount in your library, visit the NPC Walking Atlas in Idyllshire and from there complete the Quest of 'The fiery Wings, Fiery Hearts.'

The Great Vessel of Ronka Mount
The next easiest mount we have is the Great Vessel of Ronka. It is a charming gold flying vessel that emits cool sounds when the player moves on it. It might not benefit the player much, but the striking light pose feature makes it popular. To unlock this mount, cross the Qitari tribe without getting killed and get it as a reward for 18 Qitari compliments.

The Morbol Mount
One of the most exciting and fun mounts in Final Fantasy XIV is the Morbal Mount or the Blue Mage mount. The morbol mount can learn over 104 spells, including non-damage and instant death spells. However, you're only allowed to have 24 at a time. You need to complete the Bahamut raid on savage mode to achieve this mount. Then go for the Alexander raid and complete it in savage mode. It will take quite some time to get this mount, but if you are raiding a lot and have a good team it's easier to get.

The War Panther Mount
Nothing could be anything more fascinating than a panther at war, just like the war panther mount. The war panther mount is a devilishly dark creature thirsty for blood. It is the perfect partner for dark quests and savage modes. Capturing this mount requires some seriously long procedures, but the end stage isn't that hard; all you need to do is complete 200 dark knight duties and get an armored version of it for free.

The Alte Roite Mount
Although this mount is not the easiest to unlock, it's worth it. What seems like a Japanese dragon can also resemble or relate to the popular beast in Final Fantasy XIV. This mount gives away retro vibes in the form of old-fashioned background music whenever the player mounts on it. To unlock the Alte Roite mount, cross Deltascape 4.0 with savage mode on and get it as a reward if you are lucky.

Extreme Trial Mounts
The trial mount or the Kirin Fife mount is another easily available mount of the FFXIV. The Kirin is a Chinese mythological creature belonging to the one-eyed beast family. You have to prove yourself in the 'The Legend for a Legend' Quest to unlock this mount. You can also get some pony mounts such as Aithon, Boreas, Enbarr, Gulfaxi, Markab, and Xanthos mounts from extreme trials.

The Pegasus Mount
Last but not least is the magnificent Pegasus mount. This mount not only looks every inch beautiful but can prove to be a useful mount as well. If you want to unlock it, first unlock the Palace of Dead Dungeon located in the South Shroud of Eorzea. Then win The House that Death Built Quest, and you'll be rewarded with this beauty. It'll cost 4200 skybuilders scrips from Eniel.

You can also buy the Black Pegasus from the marketboard.

You can buy Eldthurs with gil.

You can also buy Zu with gil.

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